School Counseling
Welcome to the High School Guidance Office!
The Guidance Office is a place for students to go to get academic, career, and future planning resources. The goal of the Guidance Office is to assist our students in preparing for their future. From career inventories to scheduling assistance, the Guidance Office is here to help your student succeed.
Our Staff

Melanie Zeitler
School Counselor Grades 7-9
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About Melanie Zeitler

Chelsea Vanasco
School Counselor Grades 10-12
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About Chelsea Vanasco

School Based Mental Health
Glade Run Lutheran Services
If your child is struggling in the school environment they might be eligible for service through Glade Runs School Based Mental Health (SBMH) outpatient counseling services. At Glade Run we are able to help bridge the gap by emphasizing a team approach with your child, their Glade Run counselor, their educators, and the community.
Glade Run currently partners with school districts to provide School Based Mental Health (SBMH) outpatient counseling services within the school buildings. These partnerships effectively diminish barriers that historically have prohibited some families from accessing mental health services. These barriers could be location, transportation issues, or even stigma. Please reach out to a guidance counselor for more information regarding this program.
Associates in Counseling & Wellness, LLC
Associates in Counseling & Wellness, LLC (ACW) is a professional counseling practice dedicated to serving the needs of children, adolescents, adults, and families. ACW provides clinically proven treatment interventions that are specific to the individual needs of each client seeking services.
While each therapist has specific training in certain areas of counseling or psychology, treatment begins by assessing and targeting the specific needs of the client within a safe and validating therapeutic relationship. Please reach out to a guidance counselor for more information regarding this program.
Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention
Butler County Crisis Intervention Services
- Crisis intervention provides mental health intervention, assessment, support, screening, and referral services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Services are available for anyone who calls, chats, texts, walks in, or requests a crisis specialist to come to their home, school, or community.
- Call: (800) 292-3866
- Text: 63288
988 Lifeline
- Call or text 988 to receive 24/7 free and confidential support.
- The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the United States.
Butler County Area Vocational and Technical School
Butler County Area Vocational-Technical School (BCAVTS) offers programming in technical and mechanical, professional, service, and production occupations to eligible high school students residing in the Moniteau School District. Students who complete 9th, 10th, or 11th grade may apply for admission to any of the 15 different programs by submitting the BCAVTS application for admissions to their academic guidance counselor. Please see your guidance counselor for complete admission procedure details. Accepted students will spend a two-hour portion of their day involved in career and technical education at BCAVTS and the remainder of the day completing academic requirements at Moniteau High School.
SAT Dates and Deadlines
Please visit CollegeBoard to register for the SAT for the current school year. Note that the College Board now only offers digital testing. Make sure you list Moniteau Jr./Sr. High School as the site that you would like to receive your results if you would like your scores added to your records.
Sample Resumes & Cover Letters
Testing Information
Free Practice Exams
Ready for college but not ready to pick a major or take the entrance exams? Your local libraries are your best resource when it comes to college and career guidance, free practice tests, and so much more!
Moniteau Jr. Sr. High School Library
This year our library is proud to present Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center! Once in the high school library users can log on using the username: moniteau and the password: warriors to access career profiles, job and internship postings, career advice, networking, career assessments, interviews with professionals, and more! See Mrs. Grossman in our library for more details.
Butler Public Library
Butler Public Library has huge news as well! They are offering Gale’s Testing Education and Resource Center which has:
- Full length, timed, and scored practice AP, ACT, SAT, PSAT, GMAT, GE, LSAT, MCAT, and more exams
- Undergraduate and graduate school database
- Financial aid tools
- Career development maps
- Resume and interviewing advice and so much more!
Advanced Placement Courses
We offer a variety of Advanced Placement (AP) courses for our students. These intense courses culminate with a year-end exam. Depending on a student’s score, they may receive college credit for these courses. AP credit acceptance varies between institutions, so please discuss this with your guidance counselor.
We require students to pay their AP exam fees (and late fees, if applicable) at the cost determined by College Board. If your family qualifies for free and reduced price meals, you may be eligible for a fee waiver. Students scoring a three (out of five possible points) or higher on the exam will receive a reimbursement of their test fees in August following the exams.
JOB Corps - BC3
If you qualify for the Pell Grant (which you will only know if you file the FAFSA) you qualify to attend BC3 for free through Pittsburgh JOB Corps. JOB Corps is not affiliated with the military, and there is no commitment once you complete the program.
JOB Corps pays for all books, uniforms, tuition, and fees, and you also get a clothing allowance, gas allowance, and free dental and vision insurance. If you have a child, you may receive free child care. You can also earn an additional $750 a year just for keeping your grades up. You must have a clean drug test, no court issues, and no outstanding behavioral issues.
Directions for Obtaining a Work Permit
Pennsylvania Child Labor Law requires minors in Pennsylvania to obtain a work permit prior to beginning work. Moniteau students can obtain a work permit in the Moniteau Junior Senior High School office. Students must show a copy of their birth certificate and have a completed Application for Work Permit to apply for a work permit. Hard copies of the application are also available in the high school office.
Students must sign their work permit in person in the high school office. More information related to Child Labor Law and work permits can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Education website.
Please contact the Moniteau Junior Senior High School office if you are in need of additional information related to work permits.